We have been talking about this day for weeks and even months. Everyday for the last week she has asked if she gets to go to preschool now. I was all smiles this morning when I got to tell her "Yes!"
Gabbi, being Miss Independent helped pack her snack last night, picked out her outfit this morning and made sure her hair was just the way she wanted. She looked so grown up when it was time to get in the car. Is she really 4 already? Do I only have one more year before kindergarten? Holy smokes.
I am still so thrilled with our preschool choice. I love the families that make up our experience and it was so great to see them all today! Gabbi was very excited to see her "best friend" and come to find out they have the same lunch box/snack box.
First part of class was to have everyone make a name tag. Each kid had a pre-printed slip of paper with their name on it with a small sticker. Unfortunately, Gabbi's name was spelled wrong (Gabby) which did not please Gabbi. So...we just went with it and she wrote her own name and decorated it herself. No matter how it looks, it is HER name tag and she was very proud of it.
Gabbi had a great first day (minus her a bit sad when I had to leave) and I can't wait to see what she creates and learns this year.
It is so hard to imagine her being 4 and beginning the school thing. I know she will grow up so fast, whether I want her to or not. She has such a great future in store for her.