I loved going to the fair as a kid and I love it even more as mom. Gabbi's excitement is truly contagious.
This year she got to go to the fair three times! Luckily the two times she and I went, we were able to stay on budget. FYI, the fair is crazy expensive. I was expecting the food to be a quarter or two more expensive, but I was not prepared for the cost of the rides. Maybe because Gabbi has been too little to really get into rides. Now she is all about the rides. But of course the "dizzy passes" or bracelets are no good on the weekend. In a nutshell, the fair has parents by the...!
Either way, we make the fair a priority and it is worth every $1 we spend. We don't mess around with toys or games, we head straight for the rides and elephant ears. We also love checking on the animals and some shows.
We did have one small tiff when the carny guy said she couldn't go on the Tiger rollercoaster by herself. But as soon as she found out she could go on the Lil' Coaster on her own she moved on, thank goodness. Another great ride for her! Love her smile, the pics/video do not do it justice.
In the Agriculture Hall there was a bee/honey table that was very fascinating to Gabbi. They had live bees and not so live bees on display. Gabbi had lots of questions, really great questions, that even impressed the volunteers at the table. They were not ready for it. Love my little scientist.
In the end The Fair was a huge blast and I can't wait until next year to do it again. I better start saving now.
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