Wednesday, March 31, 2010

School is Cool!

It's official!  I received the news today.  Gabbi is registered for preschool and will begin class in September.
My little lady is growing up way too fast and I just can't believe it.

For the past couple of weeks she has been reminding me all of the time that she is growing up.  She thinks she is super tall and likes to stand and stretch way tall.  She also likes to tell me that she will be taller than me, well that won't take much.

She also likes to tell me what she will be able to do when she gets bigger.  So far she will be taller than me, drive my car, go to school, get a pet, have soda (umm? No), get a bigger bed, have coffee (ummm? No), and ride a school bus.  She is too cute.  I know that at some point she will get to do all of these things but for now mommy is just thinking about her going to school.

She will be attending the Darcy Read Memorial Coop Preschool.  This school allows there to be a great deal of attention to each individual student, a chance for Roy and I to be involved in her education, parent involvement in each class, small class size, and a chance to hang out with other little kiddos.  I am secretly very excited for her, but also kind of sad that she is growing up.  I like her being this age so much.  Of course I have said that every day.  I love her to pieces and I know that we still have a ton adventures ahead of us.  I can't wait!!!

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