Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gabbi's first music video

Enjoy our first attempt.  She is just too cute, had to share.

Create your own video slideshow at

Rather then catching up on sleep I wasted my late night on making a video of Gabbi.  Well, 1) it wasn't a waste at all, and 2) a website made it.  I used a free program from to make a short 30 second slide show set to music of Gabbi.  It was great...and FREE!  You just upload some pics, either put them in order or use the random setting, choose a song and done.  The site makes it for you and the show is set to the music tempo.  There were some gliches but in the end it is a great tool if you just want a short video.

1 comment:

  1. Can't help but tap my foot on this video...she is lucky to have a mom who is so devoted. Grammy Rea likes this video
