Saturday, January 29, 2011

Little Gym = Big Fun

Found her during hide & seek
It has been mentioned many times, but Gabbi loves Little Gym.  We have been members of Little Gym since she was just 14 months old. It is an activity that she loves to attend and has been a staple in our weekend schedule.  She continues to improve her skills, make new friends, connect with teachers, and learn valuable lessons.  I would recommend Little Gym to anyone with a baby, toddler, or early grade schooler.

Today was a Little Gym milestone for us.  Today was our last "gym" class because next week we transition to "DANCE" class.  No more gym clothes, now on to leotards, tap shoes, and ballet shoes!  I am very excited for the next phase of Little Gym, but hope Gabbi transitions well.  Luckily, one of her favorite friends will be in her new class too.

The parents also got to go in the gym with the kiddos today.  Gabs was excited to show off.  She did the low beam, high beam, rolls, and even the bars.  I am very proud of her.  When I asked her after class what her favorite thing was she said, "her forward rolls" which I must say she rocks at!

That's my kid!
I keep remembering her first class and how much help she needed to do the activities.  Just a lot of spotting and now she barely needs any.  Seems to be the perfect example of how fast she has grown.  These last 4 years have gone by quickly.  If only there could be a Tivo for life.  I guess I will just have to take even more pictures and videos.

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