This was her first real sport activity. Sure we have been involved in Little Gym for over a year, but this is a S-P-O-R-T! She was super excited the first day. She was dressed for practice before I left for work on Monday morning and we weren't suppose to be on the field until 5:30pm. She did great. She played the games and fell in love with her red, white, and blue soccer ball. She was a champ at running around the field (even before practice was underway). All week, every time she did a running drill she would put her hand on her chest and yell, "MOM, MY HEART IS BEATING!!" She even would run up to me and/or Roy and have us feel it. She would sometimes tell us that it was pumping her blood to her body. Such a smarty pants.
Day 2 and Day 3 were a bit more difficult. On Day 2 she really wasn't into it and we ended up leaving early. As parents you want so much for your daughter to do well and be a good participant. I had to change my paradigm pretty quickly and just understand that she is a toddler and this is more about having fun then being the perfect mini kicker. I felt that the coaches were still getting the hang of working with kiddos, most were just 3 years old like Gabbi. On Day 3, we opted to just let Gabbi watch and play when she wanted. It is good idea in theory, but it was still rough. She loved being outside but really had little interest in participating in the group. It offered some good photo ops, but little soccer. She was very entertaining, too. Gabbi says some the cutest things, that you just don't expect. She amazes me every day.
Day 4 was so much better and today was just amazing!! She did so well. Each day she tried everything. She was stretching, running, dribbling, kicking some goals and played a great game of red light/green light! Gabbi really got into it today. She was excited to go, excited to see her new friend Sophia (she missed her on Day 4, "Where's my friend Phia?"), and excited to play the games.
I am very excited to continue to have Gabbi explore different activities these coming years. I hope she develops a passion for a number of things that she can be proud of. Roy and I both agree that we do not want to over program her and give her time to be a kid. This is one of the reasons I liked this camp. It was only a week long and was a great way to get started. It was a great way to introduce her to sports and even more kids. Next endeavor is Little Gym with no parents in the classroom, just her, the other kids, and the teacher. We'll see how that goes.